Monday, January 17, 2011

Why I am scared of myself

It's so weird, isn't it, to be scared of yourself?
I mean, you could totally blank out and the next second you're at the driver's seat of a stolen car while your cousin is firing a gun he bought on eBay at the several cars that are in hot pursuit of you because the person you stole the car from called the cops from the trunk, and then one of the car's wheels blew out and I'm there, in the middle of this, freaking out because I don't remember how I got there, but more importantly I don't even have a permit yet.
May have gotten a little specific there, anyway, I can sometimes scare myself.
As you may or may not know, I'm down with a sinus infection as I type this. Last night I took a legitimate amount of NyQuil before going to bed a while later.
Some people on Skype that night probably would disagree with that statement, because the NyQuil messed me up instead.
This morning I woke up on my couch....
 Today's first words were, "Matthew Perry?".
Apparently last night the guy who played "Chandler" from the sitcom "Friends" had walked out of my closet whistling a hearty showtune, while I watched in fear from under my covers, because that's what I saw on my computer screen when I woke up. I had whispered "please don't hurt me," and he started screaming "Gravy Cheese" as he beat me over the head with a toy train. Also, scrawled in blood on my closet were the words "My closet fun stuff open". But that's normal.
To top it all off, there was a glowy bottle of NyQuil which was saying "I struggle to be a cylinder, but that's okay because nobody ever uses me 330 days of the year."
Anyway, I'm debating on actually posting this picture. What do you guys think? Ask your friends too, I'd love more readers.


  1. "i'm sick.
    i have a cold.
    and this nyquil.
    you sure that was the legit amount of nyquil?

  2. i'm sure.
    you know those little cups that come with NyQuil?
    I took one-half of that.


(no comments make me feel bad)