Saturday, August 6, 2011

i'm so technophilic i can tweet to multiple accounts with the same phone. watch: @therealcurtlyon hahaha i are #awesome!

Friday, July 1, 2011


Dramatis Personae.
PS. Sorry it's not as long as it should be, but next week is longer.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

First page of the DEATH BEE COMIC... coming soon!!

Double-click to view full-size, and PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!!

Link this to your friends:

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Yes, There Is.


Me: I can’t wait for the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

Joe: What? There isn’t going to be a sequel.

Me: Yes there is. See the subtitle, “Curse of the Black Pearl”? That means there’s going to be a sequel.

Joe: Subtitles don’t mean anything.

Me: The ending even sets up the sequel! What do you mean, “there isn’t going to be a sequel”! There’s totally going to be a sequel.

Joe: Care to put your money where your mouth is, pal?

Me: A thousand dollars.

Joe: No, don’t walk away yet. I want that thousand dollars, so let’s shake.

Me: fine.


Me: Where’s my money?

Joe: What?

Me: You bet me a thousand dollars that there wasn’t going to be a sequel.

Joe: No I didn’t.

Me: Yes, you did. We even shook on it. Now I want my money back.

Mom: I don’t remember that, Curtis.

Me: Joe’s just lying to get out of paying up!

Joe: Whatever. (wink)


Joe: Wow, I can’t believe the Pirates of the Caribbean movies are over.

Me: No it isn’t. There will be a fourth movie about the Fountain of Youth.

Joe: No there isn’t.

Me: Yes, there is. Look, he’s got the map, and he’s going to go sail off into the sunset looking for a crew.

Joe: Dude, no one ever makes a fourth movie.

Me: You’ll see. Thousand bucks?

Joe: Deal. (Shake hands)


Me: Where’s my money?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Comic Book?

remember comic book post, that was epic?
I made something epic-er. I don't know if I will go into each box like this, but it sure is cool as the other side of the pillow.
Remember, double click to view full size:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fun Picture Download!

Grasp the power of ScrambleThemEggs by downloading this free picture and sending it to your friends!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I Don't Believe This For A Second... -New Webcomic-

Sorry I haven't been posting as frequently as I should, but blame it on school, writer's block, and stuff.
I don't really know if this is even that funny. Or original. Lemme know, I guess.

Remember, double-click to see full-size!

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Cows: the mentally handicapped of the animal kingdom. MRRGHIYRRRRR!!! to you too, Bessie.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I try to achieve some sort of productivity by the end of the day. managing to plug in my fone before it died counts. Another productive day!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm A Little Late With This, Considering Twilight Isn't That Popular Anymore

I made another Mouse Collection, and another random-picture collection as well, but I'll post them later, because I didn't want to post a bunch of random stuff here when I already had such a specific title.

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 (Fancy Post-Script)
Also, thumbs-up to my friend Anna for the idea!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Moblogs Week #4 (only 2? much easier on the both of us!)

Saturday, February 19, 2011
We're hitting up Applebees for dinner? That's like dining with the Queen of England for only $80!! :D
Posted by Curtman at 4:04 PM

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Stupid iTunes... i only have 48 songs on here right now! lucky the bus ride is short and i have yet to tire of For Those About To Rock :)
Posted by Curtman at 2:58 PM

Apparently Snow and Scooters Don't Mix (Scooter From Hell)

One of my most...memorable Christmases was the year I got a scooter. I remember getting up at a rather early time, unable to contain my anticipation for presents!

                     …to the displeasure of my parents. They sent me to bed, hoping to get a few more moments of peace...

and quiet...

But when they finally realized they weren’t going to rest, they finally got rounded us up into the living room and sat down to pass out the presents. Along with other stuff, my brother and I both got an extra-large present that year. My brother was going insane over the prospect of opening his first present, as I sat calmly in the back of the room, keeping my hype inside.

Then I finally heard the sacred words....

Being as in love with its cherry metal colored perfection as I was at such a tender age, you can almost understand what I did the next day. But now I'm getting ahead of myself!
Anyway, back on Christmas Day. It wasn't a particularly cold day, although there was some snow out on the streets. I begged and I pleaded and I grovelled with my parents, but they refused, because the ground was wet; I might get hurt!
So I waited for them to go take their Sunday nap - as is customary from 1pm to 5 pm in this household - and made to execute my plan.
All was going perfectly*! The snow's super-slipperiness was like the lubricant of the scooter gods! I was speeding along so fast, I couldn't have stopped even if I wanted to!**
*at first
**In retrospect, I should've seen that coming....

When the worst ever happened....

And in case you don't see any difference in these two pictures, I got some special software that identify dangerous objects. It's hard to see at first, but look for a red circle...

I remember the moment as if it had happened only a decade ago, and I had perfect memory back then:
As the front wheel smacked into the rock, my stomach lurched, and my feet stopped working.
I flipped over the handlebars, which I was gripping in sweat for dear life; smacked to the icy ground on my nose, sending blood onto pavement, snow, and skin. My scooter soared right over me from centrifugal force and into the street about 3 feet away.

 Yes, there was THAT much blood!

Unfortunately, a car was vrooming right past my driveway, and the rest is written down in a file somewhere.

I was freaking out as I lay there on the pavement. The scooter was ruined!! And on the day I got it, too! My parents would kill me! They would probably kill me every day for the rest of my life!! The car? That thing was a piece of junk! If you ask me, the scratch was an improvement. But the driver thought otherwise.

My parents initial impression was shock when they saw my dad's (ex-) boss at our porch, holding their son, whose face was covered in blood, by the ear...

And that's how I know you shouldn't ride scooters in snow.

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